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Getting Started with Post-Exploitation of Windows Hosts

PowerShell Empire is a post-exploitation framework for computers and servers running Microsoft Windows, Windows Server operating systems, or both.

PowerUp: A Usage Guide

PowerUp is the result of wanting a clean way to audit client systems for common Windows privilege escalation vectors. It utilizes various service abuse checks, .dll hijacking opportunities, registry checks, and more to enumerate common ways that you might be able to elevate on a target system. We’ve gotten the chance to test PowerUp in multiple environments, as well integrate public feedback, so I wanted to put together a quick usage guide for those wanting to check it out.

PowerCat -A Powershell Netcat

The word PowerCat named from Powershell Netcat which is a new version of netcat in the form of the powershell script. In this article, we will learn about powercat which a PowerShell tool for is exploiting windows machines.
